The best part was making it to the gate at the Indy airport at 11:30 pm where Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Zack were eagerly waiting to meet Lily.

Today, Lil had a chance to get acquainted with the animals a little before the big event of the day - meeting Mamaw, Papaw, Uncle Nathan, Aunty Tamara and her cousins!

After everyone left, Lil had a nice long nap on Grandpa.

Stinky is beginning to like this whole baby thing...

Exciting times for the whole family! Still can't believe this is fo' real, ya know?
Love this post!
REmember to not let people flash their cameras at her! it scrambles their brain signals...
I say that as if I know what's good for baby... you should see how Henry is half hanging off his little lamb chair sucking his thumb....bad bad parent I am.
So happy!
I love the pictures with your cats and dogs...I'm so glad they love Lily!
Oh B. I'm so happy for you!!! That last picture with the cat is hysterical!
Floyd (our devil cat) always slept in the car seat, baby swing, or bouncer - I think he thought we bought everything for him! The photos with your parents made me cry (again)...so glad you're home :)
Take care, Kelly
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