Monday, October 15, 2007

Not much going on here

Corey and I are making Cornhole sets for the Halloween party next week.

Stinky swallowed a bunch of thread (when I found him, the string was coming out of his mouth and I followed it back to the bobbin, which was still on the sewing machine). The vet says only time will tell if its going to do any real damage. Of course, I'm worried about him.

On a random note, I just finished off the persimmon ice cream from the little local ice creamery. Yum. I highly recommend it.

Here is Corey being silly. Note the sicssors in his hand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, persimmon Ice cream! Yum!
I have recently discovered your blog and am addicted and will probably look through the whole thing in one sitting. I am originally from Indiana and your blog has brought back some great memories. I thank you for that! You really seem to live a beautiful life!!!!