Monday, September 24, 2007

Major surgery

My trusty little iBook is on the fritz. It is having a 'logic board" issue, where it basically freezes and the screen goes black. There was a recall on this part, but the recall is now expired. Of course! So, I am now resorting to major surgery... trying to shim up the offending component on the circuit board (using an online tutorial from some other poor sap who attempted home iBook repair). I am definitely NOT qualified to do this kind of work, but I decided to crack the bit@# open and go for it. I got her back together and didn't even have any parts left over. So far it seems to have helped, but I'm not getting my hopes up too high, yet.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


We are headed out for a long weekend of camping, but before we left I wanted to share this pic from todays little photo shoot with baby Tucker. Isn't the name "Tucker" just the cutest? Don't worry Susannah, there will be more to come :-)

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


OMG I almost missed it! Tomorrow is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Spread the word, aye?

Go here to learn more about ITLAPD.

Monday, September 17, 2007

My new niece

Natasha Robertson. Isn't she a doll? So, maybe she isn't "officially" my niece. I did witness her glorious birth last Monday, so that counts for something, right? Her first photo session didn't go off exactly as planned. It was a little too chilly for nakedness, and she peed on a prop. Photo shoot #2 is scheduled for later this week. Congratulations Mommy Rachel!

365 Project

So I've started a new photo project for a little creative "kick in the pants". I joined a group of people on Flickr who are taking one self portrait of themselves each day for 1 year (365). To make it more interesting, I'm also in a group called "Flickr Group Roulette" that picks a different theme each day for your 365 shot. Today the theme is "jumping project". Yesterday was "laying in the grass" and "mirror project - reflected self portraits" was the day before that. You can check out my 365 pics here.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Feeling crafty

I'm back on the purse making kick. I made one for my cousin and now I need to get in gear and make a bunch of them to sell at a booth my MIL is having at a craft fair in October.

One other thing. Do you know about Etsy? If you don't, you should. It's like the coolest art fair ever. Only you can shop in your pajamas. I had some birthday money to spend, so I splurged on this and this and this and this. On top of getting cool stuff, I love the fact that I am supporting home artisans and not some big company that imports its stuff from China, uses child labor, pollutes the environment, etc. Check it out!

Bye for now :-)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lucky girl

Today was a crappy day. I was feeling bummed about some things that are out of my control. To lift my spirits, I decided to remind myself of some of the reasons I have to be a happy person.

1. I have a super-duper husband, whom I love very much. I suspect he loves me too.
2. I have an awesome family who's support for me never waivers (even when I do).
4. I have nieces and a nephew that I adore.
3. I have friends who are always there for me when I need them.
4. I am healthy.
5. I have a beautiful home where I feel cozy and comfortable.
6. I have pets who bring joy to my life every day. Wait, maybe not everyday. This morning, I found a rogue bit of excrement in the middle of the living room floor. The animals are house trained and have not had an "accident" in over a year. Corey is not above suspicion.

Speaking of things that make me happy. Here is a picture of my niece that cracks me up.

(pic courtesy of my brother)

Friday, September 7, 2007


Okay, so maybe my kitty is a wee bit overweight....

Taken with Corey's camera phone.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mission: Persimmon

Corey and I have discovered 2 persimmon trees in the field around our house, and another tree down the road. I had never even tasted a persimmon until last week. I can now definitively say that they are tasty. We are now trying to gather enough to make persimmon pudding.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Labor Day :-)

This was a rather eventful weekend. I quit the job I hated (BB&B). Coreys sister and brother, along with their significant others, came to our place for a visit, and on Saturday, I went to my parents house, where we had a little Reunion with the "Rhoades" side of the family. We visited an Air Force base museum too, where I took some new pictures of little Lexi. She road her very first horse, and she knew exactly what to do! Grandma was thrilled, of course!

She also briefly flirted with the idea of becoming a fighter pilot.

Back at home, I took a hike with this cutie couple, Ashley (SIL) and Johnny. They will be getting married in one month. I can't wait for the par-tay!