You know it is a bad sign when as you drive up to the tree farm, the employee tells you the standing trees "are looking pretty bad this year" and points you toward a barn full of shipped-in trees. Corey immediately shot back with a "NOPE!". "We'll cut our own, thank you!". Our feeling is, the whole point of dressing up the tree is to make it look pretty. What fun is a tree that is perfect to begin with? I want a tree with character, darn it! So yes, the trees were quite yellow and sparse but that didn't deter us a bit in our quest for the Rieman family tree.
Seeing how my parents U-Cut farm put me through college, you know I had to represent. Indiana Fresh Christmas Tree Growers in the hiz-ouse!
You know what's funny? I used to wear this same coat back when I was the one measuring, shaking, hauling and baling the trees.
Lily had a permagrin as we walked among the trees, discussing the positives and negatives of each. It didn't take long for us to find one that was just the right size for our living room.
Lily even got to straighten the bottom with daddy's help.
Picking out a Christmas tree with our own little girl is just a dream come true. Every aspect of our life is so much more fun these days.
Good times! The holidays are definitely more fun these days!
Wait till she really "gets" it. It's even better than being a kid again! Pure Joy! We enjoyed our tree cutting outing today as well!
Thank you for flashing a boob there. As your brother I really appreciate that. Sheesh.
I was just telling Doug this morning that Christmas is going to be so much more fun now that we have our little gal around. Looks like you had a great time.
This is adorable. Thanks for sharing!
It is all about spending time together as a family and making memories that you all will cherish! So happy for you all! What a special day, Charlie Brown tree or not! Cannot wait to see pics!
Sounds like a fun outing. I love that Corey was insistent that it was a homegrown tree that you choose and cut.
I looked back over the pictures because I didn't remember the Janet Jackson one that Zack referred to. Gotta love the sibling jabs.
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Yeah Zack, I didn't even notice that one. I had to go back and look at the pics again. I was thinking, I dont remember seeing a naked boob.
Looks like a fun day. And It is a very pretty tree.
this is awesome! my godmother and her family owned a tree farm my entire life so this was something very familiar to us :)
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