Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lily's loot


One of Lily's new favorite things to do is gather things. She loves putting things into other things and taking things out. Under the seat of her little riding truck, there is a secret compartment. I noticed yesterday that she was pushing the truck around and placing things into the compartment. After adding an item, she would close the lid and drive it around, looking for something else. Later on, we took a peek inside. She had gathered a tiny spatula (part of a kitchen set she got for her birthday), a sock rabbit that I made her, a tea bag (a girl after my own heart), and my "I voted" sticker from Tuesday.


Tami S said...

She is an eclectic hunter and gatherer.

Tami S said...
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Lisa T. said...

Ah, that's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh this brings back memories (only from a couple of years ago but still) -- the secret compartment became the first place we'd check for missing items!! It's such a cute time :-)