Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas at home

In all the years of my life, I've never spent Christmas at my own house. When I was young, we always traveled up to Illinois and Wisconsin to visit family. When I was older and lived away from home, I'd go home to visit mom and dad and spend time with Corey's parents. A long time ago, I decided when I had a child of my own, I wanted them to have Christmas morning at home. A lazy day to eat good food, play with new stuff and cuddle with family. That is exactly what we did this year and it was everything I could have hoped for. We all spent the entire day in our jammies and it was fabulous!

Gift opening


Corey made homemade cherry cordials and I made peppermint-chocolate ice cream and lavender-lemon ice cream.

Corey's homemade cherry cordials

We didn't go crazy on gifts for Lily, I don't believe in that. I did make her a few things including this blue, hairy creature with interchangeable facial features


Lil and the blue monster

On Christmas Day evening, my mom and dad came over and on Saturday my brother's family joined us at our house. We had fun together playing games (Guesstures, Pictionary), making homemade personal pizzas and being entertained by my niece Lexi.

My fam

Dad and our little gift

Baby Hunter got to cuddle with Stinky.

Hunter and Stinky

and after everyone left, Lily was pretty tired.


Corey said...

Sure was a pretty relaxing weekend for being Christmas. I loved the being in pajamas all day!

alexis heimansohn said...

I love all these pictures. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Your Mom is so sweet with Lexi. It is great to capture those moments on video!

teacakebiscuit said...

This is *exactly* what we did! Stayed put all day in our jammies. I really hope too that we will be able to do Christmas at home every year as it builds such great memories. I don't mind travelling for Thanksgiving as that holiday is all about other people, but Christmas is for us :)

Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family, and may you have all your Christmases just how you like them xx