Saturday, September 13, 2008

On our way to Yellowstone

We stayed in a hotel last night but we have been camping up until now. Two nights ago it poured rain all night and the wind was so fierce that the tent would lay down on top of us with particularly strong gusts. It helped us forget about the threat of Grizzlies eating us in our sleep.

Glacier was an amazing place. The views are just unbelievable and the water in the lakes is crystal clear. We hiked up the Continental Divide at Logan Pass and were able to get quite close to mountain goats. Yesterday we hiked in Many Glacier where there are lots of Grizzly bear sightings since lots of huckleberries grow there. The bears are trying to fatten themselves up for hibernation. As you hike, you are supposed to sing or clap to make noise to avoid surprising a bear. We did get to see one Grizzly from a safe distance - the bear was on the mountain above us.

Here are some photos of our adventure so far.

Me, cooking pepper-jack eggs:

On top of the Continental Divide:

Corey fishing on St. Mary's lake.The sign said we needed to keep alert since a Mountain Lion had been frequenting the area:

Mountain goat:

Marmot making its loud whistle noise:



elder2 said...

Great pics!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures!